HEALTHY EATING FOR KIDS What is OBESITY? The simplest indicator of obesity is with the BODY MASS INDEX. BMI is a scale that defines OBESITY by taking body weight and height into account. BMI percentiles show how a child's measurements compare with others the same gender and age. For e.g. if a child has a BMI in the 60th percentile, 60% of the kids of the same gender and age who were measured had a lower BMI. Your kid is considered to be OVERWEIGHT if the BMI is at or above the 85th percentile. RISK FACTORS: Type2 diabetes High blood pressure Bone and Joint problems Breathing issues Sleep issues Early maturity WHY DO KIDS BECOME OVERWEIGHT? A number of things contribute to anybody becoming overweight such as: Diet habits Lack of exercise Genetics Medical conditions Lifestyle While some of the conditions are out of our control, lets look at some of the things which we can change. TIPS TO PREVENT OVER-EATING & OBESITY IN KIDS: Reduce eating out as much as possible Drin...