The Co-morbidity Factor

The Co-morbidity Factor "Co-morbidity" is a term which has gained a lot of focus the last couple of months. A lot of us were living with it without knowing this term and in recent months, this has become the scapegoat for a lot of things! People with "it" are required to take special care of their health, they are requested to avoid areas of infection etc.. Even the govt is requesting people with co-morbidities to avoid stepping out unnecessarily. Lets look at what it means and what you can do about it. Co-morbidity is the simultaneous coexistence of multiple disorders alongside a primary disorder. The term comorbidity was first coined by Alvan R. Feinstein, a researcher at Yale University in a research paper published in 1970. Because of the advancements in medicine, a lot of people are now able to better manage any lifestyle diseases. Many older people now have more than one illness also. Common co-morbid conditions in many people include h...