5 Ways to Heal PCOS Symptoms Naturally

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance which is a very common endocrine condition among women. Women with PCOS have a higher than normal amount of male hormones. This imbalance causes irregular periods and can lead to weight gain, acne, hair-fall, thinning hair, pregnancy complications and a host of other issues. It can also contribute to long term health issues like diabetes and heart problems. 

The symptoms of PCOS can be managed with some holistic changes in your lifestyle. The earlier you work on lifestyle changes, the easier it is going to be to manage PCOS. Lets look at the top 5 things which are in your control:

 1. Clean eating:

The number one reason for most lifestyle diseases is abdominal fat. If you can reduce even 5 to 10% of body fat, you will be well on your way to a healthier life. A number of the PCOS symptoms like acne, hair-fall etc can be reduced with a good diet. 

Here are some tips to reduce fat and get the inches off your tummy:

  1. Have an early dinner.
  2. Avoid anything white and processed in your diet. That includes chips, biscuits, breads, pastas and cereals.
  3. Make your plate colourful. The easiest way is to divide your plate into half. One half for vegetables and the other half for your main course with dairy.
  4. Track your water intake. A lot of us are woefully behind when it comes to hydrating your body.
  5. Do not skip meals and stay hungry. Your body needs nutrition to heal itself. Cutting calories completely will only harm you in the long run.

2. Get active:

Exercise has a host of benefits for your hormonal health. Walking, Jogging, Running, Yoga asanas and pranayama, Skipping at home, Meditation, Light workouts at home - you can do anything. It is important to be regular, at least 3-5 days per week rather than a high intensity workout once a week.

3. Reduce Stress:

Stress can play havoc with your hormones. Do you know stress is a major cause for weight gain? Research clearly shows stress suppresses the immune system, making us more vulnerable to everything from colds to cancer; the less stress we experience, the stronger we are. Exercise, reducing caffeine, meditation etc can all help in reducing the stress in your life.

4. Sleep deeply:

Sleep allows your body to heal and balance itself. Sleep could be the differentiating factor to heal your PCOS. Get at least 6-8 hours of deep sleep every night. Try to sleep at the same time every night and no later than 10pm. 

Staying away from devices a couple of hours before sleep, eating a light and early dinner, reducing stress - will all contribute to a better quality sleep.

5. Supplement:

PCOS causes a low level of chronic inflammation in your body. Including omega 3 fatty acids can help bring down inflammation. Some other supplements which can help heal are vitamin D, zinc, evening primrose oil, calcium and tulsi. Make sure to take good quality organic supplements and under proper guidance.

Next steps:

Women with PCOS have more to deal with on their plate. It is a complex disease and not everyone responds in the same way. The only thing we can do is provide the right healing environment by eating right, reducing stress and taking care of ourselves. Treat ourselves with a lot of love and self-care and you might just find your symptoms coming down.

A 1% change everyday will cause you to become 37 times better in a year according to a study. Each day decide to become a little better than yesterday. Try to implement one positive change towards your health every week. 

If you would like to know anything specific, feel free to leave a comment or reach out here:



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